John!!!: Bob won a spider, we called it God!
John!!!: The Spider God like PBR and cigarettes
John!!!: Despite paying homage to the Spider God I still couldn't win at bingo
John!!!: All For the Spider God!!
John!!!: The Spider God calling a 1-900 number
John!!!: The Spider God calling a 1-900 number
John!!!: Our great Lord of the Spiders likes Guinness too
John!!!: But the Spider God can't hold its alchohol
John!!!: The Spider God needs beer and nicotine!
John!!!: Spiders like cigarettes too
John!!!: Beer for the Spider God
John!!!: The Spider God failed me in my bid to win prizes at Bingo
John!!!: How many drunks can you fit in a street sweeper?
John!!!: Finishing off the Tequila
John!!!: Patrick won the T game for us, I managed to avoid the celebration
John!!!: Patrick being blinded by flashes
John!!!: Fuck you too Amelia
John!!!: Patrick as Vanna White
John!!!: Diana is too embarased to give the shocker
John!!!: Bingo eats
John!!!: 3 drunks can fit in a street sweeper
John!!!: IMG_4259
John!!!: IMG_4258
John!!!: IMG_4256
John!!!: IMG_4255
John!!!: IMG_4262