fubuki: discarded and abandoned and intertwined...
fubuki: man was not the first primate in space
fubuki: rocket love - or - engineering is sexy
fubuki: zorki
fubuki: soviet camera tech
fubuki: i love soviet engineering design
fubuki: electromagnetics rock
fubuki: mortal coil
fubuki: when the aliens finally came to destroy earth it was not to enslave humankind, it was for decades of intergalactic decency and noise violations.
fubuki: Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
fubuki: capillaries
fubuki: atlas rocket - i love space age engineering
fubuki: if you think man landed on the moon then you prolly think oj was guilty - in fact, oj was framed by the Man because he starred in capricorn 1
fubuki: the summer line for deep desert fremen stilsuits is exciting for its audacious use of exposed water traps. be the daring trend setter in your sietch - whether crysknife slashing harkonnens for their bodywater or worm cruising for girls - its all about you
fubuki: She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself
fubuki: lunar command module - the champange room of the space age gear fetish
fubuki: power is communication
fubuki: electromagnetics are sexy
fubuki: can a brother get an amen, my flickr friends?
fubuki: iPod Imperator
fubuki: almost 30 years later we are still watching star wars - but still dont have lunar bases laser guns or light sabers - the great letdown