fubuki: Jasmin wanted to hold out for Mr. Right but she secretly feared that the good ones were scooped up already and that the remainders were emotional cripples, runts, and retreads
fubuki: Martha didnt so much mind it when Johnny played with his Ouija board but it irked her to no end when he unlocked the ninth gate of hell and unleashed the vile legions of annihilation.
fubuki: Disco's not dead - in fact its alive and well and working at Big Raymundo's AMC Bowling Alley outside Naples, Florida. Disco sends its best.
fubuki: resolutely Waldo stepped forward to meet his Fate
fubuki: wanda, the self-absorbed belle of the ball, never realized how much imelda hated her
fubuki: Wayne Enterprises delisted from NASDAQ, creditors and auditors harrying his every reciept, Bruce had to downsize the batcave to a low-rent semi-industrial part of Gotham. the cool batpole was gone, but there was a krispy kreme around the corner
fubuki: they call it television because brain-corrosive eye-candy manipulation machine didnt score well with the focus groups
fubuki: they shouldnt call them pain killers
fubuki: Gunther's rather impressive stem got him a lot of attention at parties
fubuki: ZK#42877 wished people understood that being a Mark 84 TKL Hunter-Killer drone wasnt all shiny chrome glamour - the hours were murder and the paperwork torturous
fubuki: midnight in the garden section of good and evil
fubuki: on the wrong street at the wrong time, X was surrounded by D and her gang. X knew he was in for an asskickin'
fubuki: copy, red leadr! we're going in!
fubuki: dont tread on me - or - the unbearable lightness of Boeing
fubuki: "alas poor pinocchio, knew him well"
fubuki: bounced out of Menudo after a bitchy slap fight with ricky martin, oswaldo let himself go but he could still shake out a hot cut of "If You're Not Here"
fubuki: opsins attract
fubuki: free range willy
fubuki: radiation is your friend and sometimes your lover
fubuki: there is no such thing as a bisectual
fubuki: woody's first night in toy prison wasnt going so well
fubuki: dagron always made certain to drink a glass of water or two after a night of carousin' in the clubs
fubuki: dr siscoe and mr fubuki - or - when real personality and flickr persona collapse
fubuki: old marklar in green
fubuki: shoot for yourself - share with your friends - screw the background noise
fubuki: weekdays - podiatrist, weekends - horseman of the apocalypse
fubuki: schmuel and ari rested easier now that passover was passed
fubuki: hamida and Ya'qub hadnt spoken in a week - she knew he cheated at yahtzee and he was too embarassed to fess up
fubuki: Bobby was a raging member in goodstanding of the KISS ARMY since Terre Haute in 75' - sometimes he thought he should hang it up but all he had to do was hear Shout It Out Loud to get his Peter Criss mojo back
fubuki: Grno joined the Imperial forces to see the galaxy and kick some ass - his career was doing great til some sand-grubber in a robe waved a dirty hand in his face and said these werent the droids he was looking for