fubuki: red white blue great promises made
fubuki: her letter. candlelight. morning came slowly
fubuki: quite alone but he had hopes
fubuki: pain is the most necessary illusion.
fubuki: the hearth forgotten, the home forsaken
fubuki: you cant catch the General Lee!
fubuki: brother Zen is wise and good
fubuki: he picked cotton all his life
fubuki: 'dont be a sharecropper,' Father said
fubuki: man, somewhere between angel and devil
fubuki: brokenhearted and alone, he sat, waiting
fubuki: the harvest was slim this year
fubuki: after he died, the farm did
fubuki: timmy thought he was hot shit
fubuki: american dream
fubuki: passages
fubuki: the green world whence we came
fubuki: 'my god, its full of stars...'
fubuki: life is rather good at 2am
fubuki: you are what is left over
fubuki: porn is where you find it (redux)
fubuki: Don Fato had a long confession
fubuki: knolled and voided in dallas, texas
fubuki: Piru J fresh from a nickel down
fubuki: Old times there are not forgotten
fubuki: when you wish upon a star
fubuki: humor - the liquor of the soul
fubuki: he regretted turning the body over
fubuki: the gravity well of our decisions