Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The foam at the edge of the ocean.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Getting out there...
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Seashell in the surf.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Many Happy Returns (Seaturtle tracks back to the ocean)
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Wating around for a sunrise.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Let the colors fly...
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Just the rising wave.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The tall tree and the sky.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The palm tree, dawn colors.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Board on by, with colors.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The ocean dreams in colors.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Palm trees making light.