Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: A rare look west from the beach. The silver moon.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: He ran after the dog that ran after her..
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Lifeguard not on duty.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The color of my daydreams
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The light and the leaves.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: just walkin' through the world mysterious and vague...
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The intense drama at the heart of the peace.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Droplet on the ocean.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The jogger in the hat.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Reflections and light.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Pleasure. Pure pleasure...
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Brisk walk, breezy palms.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: THe whlek just sitting there.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Waders go by, early morning.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Mangroove shoots by the shore at Lower Matecombe.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Golden reflections by the shore.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The ocean reflection by the trees.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Solitary tree in the morning light.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: If Clyde Butcher had an iPhone...
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Reflections by the mangroves.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The palms in the haze.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: A whelk by the shore.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Shaking the sand away.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Light and clouds at the beach.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The tide comes in. The tide goes out.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Walking in the morning.