Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The trees in the distance.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The oak leaf in the snow.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The trees against the hill.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Through the trees, down the hill.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The path through the fields.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Merry Christmas from the woolly guys.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Tree cast a shadow in the snow.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The starkness of the tree against the sky.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: A shadow on the old barn.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The fence as the sun comes up.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The Shropshire fields, just before dawn.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: A snowy country crossroads - Panorama
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The trees in the ravine - Panorama
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The hedgerow in the afternoon.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The light as the day wanes.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The sunlight on the Shropshire Hills.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Towards Church Pulverbatch; The trees at sunrise #hipstamatic
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The blue sky and the tree, early morning.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Two trees. Sunrising.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Sunrise in Shropshire.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Snow in the sunlight.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Animal tracks across the snowy field at sunrise.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: Sun comes up beyond the frozen stream.
Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun: The cold cold fields.