fstop_kathy: State Fair midway ride
fstop_kathy: Minnesota state fair midway ride
fstop_kathy: Ferris Wheel spinning
fstop_kathy: going round in circles
fstop_kathy: Midway at the Minnesota State Fair
fstop_kathy: green thing?
fstop_kathy: beauty and the beast
fstop_kathy: Sunflowers
fstop_kathy: DSC_6374
fstop_kathy: tractors in a row
fstop_kathy: ferris wheel at night
fstop_kathy: Swinging
fstop_kathy: Midway all lit up
fstop_kathy: Midway maddness
fstop_kathy: Spinning green lights
fstop_kathy: Ferris wheel