spookst: Clouds from the sky
spookst: As far as you can see
spookst: Over spain
spookst: Flying over spain on a clear afternoon
spookst: From the ocean to the skies
spookst: Angry clouds over golden lakes
spookst: Spain from the sky
spookst: Shipping lane from above
spookst: Sunset from above Denmark
spookst: Sunny in the clouds
spookst: Flying in the sky
spookst: Sunset above the clouds
spookst: Engine in the sky
spookst: Mountain in the clouds
spookst: Another airplane
spookst: Heading for the sun
spookst: Cloud in the sky
spookst: Sunset in the clouds
spookst: Flying past the moon in the sunset
spookst: Sunset leaving Stavanger
spookst: All kinds of clouds
spookst: Shining eyes in the clouds
spookst: Hole in the clouds
spookst: Sunshine in Bergen
spookst: Windmill park in the ocean from the air