happs: 04-29-06_1958.jpg
happs: 04-28-06_0814.jpg
happs: 05-06-06_2241.jpg
happs: 06-02-06_0944.jpg
happs: 04-27-06_2043.jpg
happs: 04-26-06_1916.jpg
happs: 04-22-06_1621.jpg
happs: IMAGE_051.jpg
happs: 80764023941.jpg
happs: 07-20-06_1134.jpg
happs: 10-29-06_0130.jpg
happs: 10-29-06_0131.jpg
happs: Visit to the barber
happs: Flower for Momma
happs: Akron, Ohio
happs: Dollar Car Wah
happs: Steak and shake
happs: Rhubarb pie
happs: Riding the Toft's cow
happs: Eli @ soccer practice
happs: Imhotep....Imhotep...