fscottgraham: DSCF2838 Ushuaia housing is luxurous mansions intermixed with squater shacks
fscottgraham: DSCF2839 Shacks and dogs, like Northern Canada
fscottgraham: DSCF2840 Large cruise ship arrivals, many doing the Magellian Straight, at least a few a week.
fscottgraham: DSCF2841
fscottgraham: DSCF2842 Don't what these are, possibly French, any other suggestions.
fscottgraham: DSCF2844 My stay in Ushuaia, Case de Tere
fscottgraham: DSCF2845
fscottgraham: DSCF2848 View from my room when overcast
fscottgraham: DSCF2849
fscottgraham: DSCF2851 San Martin, main street Ushuaia
fscottgraham: DSCF2852
fscottgraham: DSCF2853
fscottgraham: DSCF2854
fscottgraham: DSCF2855
fscottgraham: DSCF2856
fscottgraham: DSCF2861
fscottgraham: DSCF2862 Tall Ships in Ushuaia March 15, 2014
fscottgraham: DSCF2863
fscottgraham: DSCF2864
fscottgraham: DSCF2882
fscottgraham: DSCF2883
fscottgraham: DSCF2884 Argentina'a tall ship
fscottgraham: DSCF2885 Argentina's tall ship
fscottgraham: DSCF2890
fscottgraham: DSCF2891
fscottgraham: DSCF2893
fscottgraham: DSCF2899 Ushuaia's International Airport
fscottgraham: DSCF2900 Russian Expedition ship also in harbour
fscottgraham: DSCF2901 the Russian Expedition ship
fscottgraham: DSCF3268 Ships in harbour March 24th