fryske: The Raleigh Vektar
fryske: A nice car and a horrific car....
fryske: Part of the collection
fryske: Long term bike parking
fryske: Coventry Cathedral in nasty, nasty HDR
fryske: Some of the heavier exhibits
fryske: A tantalising glimpse of the Gas Turbine-powered Leyland Marathon
fryske: Another view of the gas turbine powered Leyland Marathon
fryske: Police Commer walk-thru
fryske: Lift the sheet
fryske: A view from the top
fryske: Coventry Cathedrals two and three.
fryske: Open day
fryske: open day
fryske: Open day - AEC Mercury
fryske: Coventry open day
fryske: Coventry open day
fryske: Coventry open day
fryske: Coventry open day
fryske: Coventry open day
fryske: Coventry open day
fryske: Daimler CVG6 333CRW
fryske: 1952 Maudslay Monarch NGJ489
fryske: Police Triumph 2500TC
fryske: LR KLX770
fryske: AA Series 1 Land Rover KLX770
fryske: Thrust 2
fryske: 1943 Humber Motor Co. Ltd. Staff Car
fryske: 1959 Karrier BF Ambulance
fryske: 1966 VW with a Manx 2 bodyshell