Nina Frydenberg: Day 4 as an immigrant. Fixing my hair before going out to explore my new country/city. (Read the text...)
Nina Frydenberg: Some of the most important things I brought with me when I immigrated to France: drawing-pencils, a Harrods frog I've had since I was a child, my favorite DVD with Catherine Deneuve, my favorite French opera-cd/dvd. :-)
Nina Frydenberg: Unlike most girls nowadays I haven't caught cupcakemania, but the tiny ones are okay. :-)
Nina Frydenberg: Quatorze juillet, 2009
Nina Frydenberg: In my flat in Avenue de la Bourdonnais; pancake and raspberry tart
Nina Frydenberg: The summer I realized I truly loved someone.
Nina Frydenberg: Roses in my apartment, Paris, June 2008
Nina Frydenberg: Nothing is a cliché
Nina Frydenberg: Inspiration-poster made by me (I used to have it on my wall, but I was too distracted by the beauty of all these women... ;-)
Nina Frydenberg: ME IN MY FLAT. (+ a text about the reason why I smile on this photo.)
Nina Frydenberg: The view from my flat
Nina Frydenberg: Le Village Suisse (I love this place!)
Nina Frydenberg: Ladurée, Paris
Nina Frydenberg: SNAPSHOTS / TWITTER / BLOG: Lunch-break
Nina Frydenberg: Celebrating 1th Christmas Day alone in my flat in Paris (drowning my sorrows with sugar)
Nina Frydenberg: Eating dinner at the local sushi restaurant all alone. Sniff. (On the bright side; sushi is one of my favorite foods!)
Nina Frydenberg: Sugar-overdose ;-)
Nina Frydenberg: A ladybug keeping me company.
Nina Frydenberg: Nina Frydenberg (me) at Restaurant Vagenende in Boulevard Saint-Germain
Nina Frydenberg: BLOG 29.03.09: Alone in Paris (Museum d'histoire Naturelle)
Nina Frydenberg: 10 minutes from Champs-Élysées...
Nina Frydenberg: Christmas Day 2010, at my local market (Rue Cler)
Nina Frydenberg: Christmas Day 2010, at my local market (Rue Cler)
Nina Frydenberg: At one of my favorite bistros eating my favorite food: king prawns. My favorite drink: Coca Cola non-diet. With my favorite person in the entire word: (Secret. I'll NEVER tell her name)
Nina Frydenberg: Snapshot from my neighborhood - horse in front of École Militaire
Nina Frydenberg: Snapshot from my neighborhood - horses in front of École Militaire
Nina Frydenberg: Eating a fresh pancake by La Seine
Nina Frydenberg: Snapshot from my neighborhood - me relaxing by Pont d'Iéna
Nina Frydenberg: Poor bird. Run over by an evil car. Sniff!
Nina Frydenberg: SNAPSHOT / TWITTER / BLOG: Tired birthday-guest