fry_theonly: Dolce morte al Choccywoccydoodah
fry_theonly: Choccywoccydoodah
fry_theonly: The Kinks, Pinter theater
fry_theonly: Sunny afternoon
fry_theonly: Buongiorno
fry_theonly: R.i.p. David Bowie
fry_theonly: R.i.p. Bowie
fry_theonly: Jeremy Bentham Auto-icon
fry_theonly: Bentham per chi ha vissuto in una grotta per l'ultimo secolo
fry_theonly: In un bar lontano lontano
fry_theonly: Lobbista d'altri tempi. Commissionato da un latifondista per sostenere che la povertà in Inghilterra fosse peggiore della schiavitù nelle colonie.
fry_theonly: Ophelia di John Millais
fry_theonly: Ex divina pulchritudine, Eric Gill 1926
fry_theonly: Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, 1944 Francis Bacon
fry_theonly: Turner, autoritratto
fry_theonly: Good and evil angel, Blake
fry_theonly: My bed (Tracey Emin)
fry_theonly: Animal (David Musgrave)
fry_theonly: John Millais
fry_theonly: The old bank of England
fry_theonly: The old bank of England
fry_theonly: Deliziosa pie
fry_theonly: Haddock
fry_theonly: Light festival
fry_theonly: Light festival
fry_theonly: Patience is half...
fry_theonly: Lumiere
fry_theonly: Lumiere London
fry_theonly: Empty lot, Abraham Cruzvillegas
fry_theonly: Empty lot