fry_theonly: Church of Our Lady before Týn, Prague
fry_theonly: Wooden Dolls, Prague
fry_theonly: Walking on Charles Bridge, Prague
fry_theonly: Another View of Charles Bridge, Prague
fry_theonly: Spazio concettuale acritico, Prague
fry_theonly: Mai incrociare i flussi!! Prague
fry_theonly: speriamo bene...
fry_theonly: troppo caldo in ufficio
fry_theonly: troppo troppo caldo
fry_theonly: tanta roba. Hybernia, Prague
fry_theonly: indovina quale costa di più...
fry_theonly: Noooooooo!!! F*** snowing!!
fry_theonly: Raspberry salad
fry_theonly: Starter, Blue Wagon, Prague
fry_theonly: il tempo non promette niente di buono, Prague
fry_theonly: latte: per l'uomo (vero!)
fry_theonly: un bel goulash come si deve. botanic restaurant, Prague
fry_theonly: il prosciutto di praga rulezza, Prague
fry_theonly: Another bridge, Prague
fry_theonly: Passeggiando per Praga
fry_theonly: Charle's bridge, Prague