choheisel: Utah State Capitol at Night
choheisel: State Capitol of Utah
choheisel: Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City
choheisel: Utah Industry?
choheisel: Utah State Capitol Building
choheisel: Brigham Young Mural
choheisel: Inside Utah State Capitol
choheisel: Marble Detial in Utah State Capitol
choheisel: Philo Taylor Farnsworth Sculpture
choheisel: Philo Taylor Farnsworth Bio
choheisel: Pioneers of the West Mural
choheisel: SLC Outside Capitol Building
choheisel: More Mountains from Capitol Building
choheisel: Utah Mountains from State Capitol Building
choheisel: One World, Everybody Eats
choheisel: One World, Everybody Eats Outside
choheisel: One World, Everybody Eats Eating and Payment System