greg frucci: Teague House under construction
greg frucci: Collie House from the New River
greg frucci: Duck United Methodist Church, Duck, NC
greg frucci: Teague House under construction
greg frucci: Teague House roof
greg frucci: Teague House interior
greg frucci: piece of furniture I designed for Whitehead House
greg frucci: Whitehead House finished
greg frucci: Whitehead House finished
greg frucci: Whitehead House finished
greg frucci: concept for a Central American museum
greg frucci: concept for a mountain temple
greg frucci: concept for a carved temple
greg frucci: Collie House concept
greg frucci: concept for the Station Square Project in Pittsburgh, PA
greg frucci: concept for the Station Square Project in Pittsburgh, PA
greg frucci: Whitehead house finished
greg frucci: Whitehead House interior
greg frucci: Whitehead House under construction
greg frucci: concept for the USPA museum
greg frucci: house in Corolla, NC
greg frucci: pavillion concept
greg frucci: concept for a temple
greg frucci: teague house
greg frucci: concept for a house in Gunnison, CO
greg frucci: concept for the Lady Wishforth Puppet Museum
greg frucci: bridge
greg frucci: concept for a development
greg frucci: teauge house
greg frucci: teague house