frscspd: Getting there
frscspd: Odd one out
frscspd: Per grazia ricevuta
frscspd: Red bus in Rome
frscspd: 63, 64
frscspd: Poor Giordano Bruno...
frscspd: Under the rainbow umbrella, under the leaves
frscspd: Red at the Arco degli Acetari
frscspd: More red walls
frscspd: In a moment of uncharacteristic optimism
frscspd: Hand-waiving to the rainbow umbrella
frscspd: Urban rainbow with sampietrini
frscspd: Senātus Populusque Rōmānus
frscspd: Sampietrini reflection
frscspd: Palazzo Madama 1
frscspd: Dancing devils in Corso Rinascimento
frscspd: The granite bath in via degli Staderari
frscspd: Strange geometries here
frscspd: The last of Raguzzini (promise!)
frscspd: Raguzzini reflected
frscspd: Raguzzini 2
frscspd: First evening lights
frscspd: Evening lights 2
frscspd: To freedom of speech
frscspd: Porchetta di Ariccia
frscspd: Red in the face
frscspd: Palazzo Madama 2
frscspd: Homeward bound
frscspd: ... it's wonderful (so they say)
frscspd: ... it's wonderful (so they say) /bw