frozenleaves: waiting
frozenleaves: fountains of light
frozenleaves: camera shy
frozenleaves: Plain Tiger butterfly
frozenleaves: from a different angle
frozenleaves: Green tunnel
frozenleaves: just an insect, but a beautiful one though
frozenleaves: one of the favourite timepass outside BNP
frozenleaves: men at work: just for this sweet water
frozenleaves: eye pleasing
frozenleaves: ... faces of India
frozenleaves: floating on a calm river
frozenleaves: bless you!
frozenleaves: colour and music
frozenleaves: so mister, do you need rules of living
frozenleaves: I don't rememeber when I stopped being a kid and being curious of everything around me
frozenleaves: It's just a matter of perspective, nothing more nothing less
frozenleaves: I feel that dark places reveal a lot more about light than they are given credit for
frozenleaves: what is childhood? i guess, a little bit of curiosity, a little bit of smile and a pinch of naughtiness; all in all, a lot more fun
frozenleaves: it's a joy to go around the country side