Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: stamp created by using Flickr Toys- USA STAMP
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: Stamp created by using Flickr Toys - CANDAIAN STAMP
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: frame8864929 6 of my photos that made it to Scout
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: 5 baby geese with mom having a swimming lesson - frame3770971
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: baby geese out for a swim with mom - frame1072053
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: baby geese following mom - frame849474
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: frame3615877 Mourning Dove - please check out the set.
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: frame9380542 MOURNING DOVE STAMP
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: frame4397055 Common Grackle (quiscalus quiscula)