Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: house sparrow (Passer Domesticus) in the foliage
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: Robins (turdue migrator) they are so cute waiting for their food to arrive
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: ***EXPLORE*** FBI: Stay cool everyone, its going to be another hot one!
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: ***EXPLORE*** FBI- chipmunk on the rocks
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: I'm hungry -- go away.....
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: Where is our food mom?????????????? we are starving!!!!!!!!!!!
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: ***EXPLORE*** FBI: A HUNDRED EYES
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: good morning my Flickr Friends, hope ya all had a nice Easter. Enjoy your week.
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: ***EXPLORE*** FBI- Please check out my set of photos of the turkeys in my backyard that I took yesterday.
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: closeup of the "Center of the Lilly"