Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: house sparrow (Passer Domesticus) in the foliage
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: Cardinal standing on chair
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: Blue Jay In the bushes in deep thought ---CONCENTRATION!
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: But this is my better side......... can I eat now ???
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: DADDY (house finch) - carpodacus mexicanus
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: BABY (house finch) - carpodacus mexicanus
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: MOMMY (house finch) - carpodacus mexicanus
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: BONDING TOGETHER ...........Happy Feathery Friday!
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: Where is our food mom?????????????? we are starving!!!!!!!!!!!
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: who am I ?????????????????????????? (Eastern Kingbird - tyrannus tyrannus)
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: (TREE SWALLOW - Tachycineta Bicolor)
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: FBI: close up of a mourning dove on the nest
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: TURKEY VULTURE (cathartes aura) AND BLACK VULTURE (coragyps atratus)
Frozen in Time photos by Marianne AWAY OFF/ON: ***EXPLORE*** northern mocking bird ( mimus polyglottos)