froo-fra: on our way
froo-fra: fire glow
froo-fra: baby Gin
froo-fra: their dancing song came on the radio
froo-fra: pup tent
froo-fra: pre-canoe hike ready
froo-fra: canoers
froo-fra: eek!
froo-fra: Freddie-dipping
froo-fra: passenger
froo-fra: passenger
froo-fra: canoeing
froo-fra: trying to nap in crazy afternoon heat
froo-fra: skewers eyed by pup
froo-fra: skewers cooking
froo-fra: camp
froo-fra: camp
froo-fra: camp
froo-fra: washing my hair at camp
froo-fra: inspectors
froo-fra: Boys like cars
froo-fra: Mr Fancy