Drake Dyck Photography:
Reaching out Tree
Drake Dyck Photography:
Fern and mushroom covered branch
Drake Dyck Photography:
Moss Lichen Bark
Drake Dyck Photography:
Moss Lichen Bark 2
Drake Dyck Photography:
Wildlife Host
Drake Dyck Photography:
Drake Dyck Photography:
Moss Lichen Tree 3
Drake Dyck Photography:
Early Life
Drake Dyck Photography:
Moss Lichen Bark 4
Drake Dyck Photography:
Moss Lichen Bark 5
Drake Dyck Photography:
The Beginning
Drake Dyck Photography:
Tree From Stump
Drake Dyck Photography:
mushroom log
Drake Dyck Photography:
Tree from log
Drake Dyck Photography:
BW Trees with lichen
Drake Dyck Photography:
Lichen covered tree
Drake Dyck Photography:
Mossy bark
Drake Dyck Photography:
Mushroom from mossy tree
Drake Dyck Photography:
mossy stick tree
Drake Dyck Photography:
Poirier Lake Tree Reflection
Drake Dyck Photography:
Stump with bush growing
Drake Dyck Photography:
Y tree mossy ferns
Drake Dyck Photography:
Lichen covered trees
Drake Dyck Photography:
Stump with Tree in it
Drake Dyck Photography:
Nurse Stump
Drake Dyck Photography:
Stellars Jay Branches
Drake Dyck Photography:
Pincone with Mushrooms
Drake Dyck Photography:
Tree with Roots Showing
Drake Dyck Photography:
Mushroom on tree
Drake Dyck Photography:
Pinecone on Moss