LD-: Winter Hot Drinks!. It's cold outside and Aldi has sold The Spanish Chocolate out!
LD-: Organic Ginger!. I really liked the design of this can!. I bought it in Infinite Foods!
LD-: Turkish White wine!. Absolutely delicious!.
LD-: Black Coffee Morning Without Sugar!
LD-: Having a macchiato coffee At Hen http://henrestaurant.com/
LD-: I haven't tried these soft drinks but the design really got my attention. It was seen at Infinity Foods! http://www.infinityfoodswholesale.co.uk/
LD-: Drinking a Samuel Smith's organic handcrafted apricot fruit beer.http://www.samuelsmithsbrewery.co.uk/site/product/organic-apricot-fruit-beer/
LD-: Tea Time. Drinking a Wild Berry Tea at Redroaster. Yummy!http://www.redroaster.co.uk/
LD-: My Cake Table at Presuming Ed http://www.presuming-ed.com/
LD-: Ginger Coffee Cake at http://www.presuming-ed.com/
LD-: After a long day, enjoying Coffee & Cake at http://www.presuming-ed.com/