Scott & Justine fromWyo: X-ray of Chester's Broken Pelvis
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Picking up Chester at the Vet's office
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Recuperation with the man
Scott & Justine fromWyo: recuperating living room
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Chesterrecuperationkitchen
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Charlie Chester recuperation
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Chester Dog Days
Scott & Justine fromWyo: ChesterAugustalawn
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Chester Augusta front lawn
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Augusta Chester lawn nap
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Augusta Chester pad nest
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Psychopoodle Profile
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Tuesday on the lawn
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Chester and Augusta
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Psychopoodle x-ray 3
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Zombie Goose and Psychopoodle
Scott & Justine fromWyo: schlabby triskele mail
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Chester backyard recuperation
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Chester pillow pad
Scott & Justine fromWyo: Chester at Jackson Lake