From the Top, Inc.: Avery Gagliano and family holding Jieming Tang's Gagliano violin
From the Top, Inc.: Jieming Tang1
From the Top, Inc.: Jieming Tang2
From the Top, Inc.: Jieming Tang3
From the Top, Inc.: Jieming Tang4
From the Top, Inc.: Quartet Al Dente 3
From the Top, Inc.: Jieming Tang
From the Top, Inc.: Quartet Al Dente 2
From the Top, Inc.: Quartet Al Dente
From the Top, Inc.: Margaux Filet4
From the Top, Inc.: Margaux Filet3
From the Top, Inc.: Margaux Filet2
From the Top, Inc.: Avery Gagliano4
From the Top, Inc.: Margaux Filet
From the Top, Inc.: Avery Gagliano2
From the Top, Inc.: Avery Gagliano3
From the Top, Inc.: Avery Gagliano
From the Top, Inc.: Quartet Al Dente at the dress rehearsal
From the Top, Inc.: Potsdam performers taking their bows in Hosmer Concert Hall at Crane School of Music
From the Top, Inc.: Pianist Avery Gagliano with host Christopher O'Riley
From the Top, Inc.: Potsdam performers backstage with Christopher O'Riley at the Crane School of Music
From the Top, Inc.: Potsdam performers at the reception at the Crane School of Music