fromky: It is a Bird
fromky: Day 41, Year 2: G’morning
fromky: F is for Forest
fromky: #65 My Little Corner of the World
fromky: Day 15, Year 2: Morning at Camellia Lake
fromky: Making Lemonade from Lemons
fromky: Don’t Look Down
fromky: Balancing Act
fromky: Time to Nest
fromky: Sunset
fromky: Day 126, Year 2: Morning at Camellia
fromky: Day 147, Year 2: Purely Meditation
fromky: A Place to Relax
fromky: Day 182, Year 2: A Getaway Place
fromky: If I Won the Lottery
fromky: One of Dozens
fromky: Day 251, Year 2: I’m Late
fromky: A Snowy, a Cattle, and a Great Egret Land In a Tree
fromky: Day 255, Year 2: Every Evening
fromky: A Surprise to see Color
fromky: Day 332, Year 2: SOOC
fromky: Lake Life
fromky: #98 Stillness
fromky: A Hidden Gem
fromky: Camellia Lake and the Heron
fromky: Camellia lake in the Afternoon
fromky: Day 47, Egyptian Goose at Camellia Lake