fromky: L is for Lights
fromky: G is for Gorilla
fromky: C is for Cinderella's Castle
fromky: D is for Dinosaur
fromky: E is for Epcot
fromky: F is for "Finding Nemo"
fromky: O is for Ostrich
fromky: Not Quite the Real Thing
fromky: There's Magic in the Air
fromky: H is for Hollywood Brown Derby
fromky: I is for Ice Cream
fromky: J is for Jessie
fromky: K is for Kermit
fromky: M-i-c k-e-y M-o-u-s-e
fromky: N is for Nemo
fromky: Smile a Little More Today
fromky: Q is for Quiet
fromky: R is for Rhino
fromky: S is for Star
fromky: T is for Turtle
fromky: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
fromky: V is for Vulture
fromky: W is for Woody
fromky: X is for Xylophone
fromky: Z is for Zheng
fromky: Y is for Yellow