dashwood: the bag tree
dashwood: me in the public gardens, 2002
dashwood: me at the harbour
dashwood: patisserie
dashwood: pizza corner
dashwood: public gardens gates, in the snow
dashwood: dartmouth, early spring 2003
dashwood: i loved the ferry
dashwood: city of halifax silent night sewer
dashwood: theodore tugboat
dashwood: ferry
dashwood: running down citadel hill
dashwood: flag on citadel hill
dashwood: Upper Canadian concrete and glass
dashwood: amy on citadel hill, 2003
dashwood: steve-o-reno's, 2003
dashwood: kilts
dashwood: still more harbour
dashwood: pond, public gardens
dashwood: harbour in the drizzle
dashwood: historic properties
dashwood: when it rained
dashwood: halifax harbour
dashwood: waterfront
dashwood: sailors
dashwood: harbour
dashwood: the chinese restaurant nobody goes to, dartmouth
dashwood: public gardens statue
dashwood: public gardens
dashwood: more harbour