Frog Princess66: In the beginning....
Frog Princess66: The Stormie House Project- obligatory 'Before' Shots 1
Frog Princess66: The Stormie House Project
Frog Princess66: SHP (Stormie House Project)- in a a dark, dark bathroom....
Frog Princess66: SHP: Dig that groovy floor.
Frog Princess66: SHP: Dust, gunk and deceased moths
Frog Princess66: SHP: Chez Stormie
Frog Princess66: SHP: Some very odd sized plants!
Frog Princess66: SHP: One day, all this will be ours!
Frog Princess66: The Stormie House Project continues...... I had to take a huge break from uploading because I got locked out of my account for over a year! Thankfully this week, I'm back in at last and can start to catch up on progress on the SHP.
Frog Princess66: SHP: Celebrating the brickwork being finished!