Conrad Janzen: Mt Huber
janetbongiovanni: As The World Turns
rg250871: Forth Rail Bridge
olgeir: Þingvellir
_Jezza_: Midnight Rendezvous
wildphotons: on a tightrope
Scott Stringham "Rustling Leaf Design": Great Salt Lake, Utah; Energizer Bunny, "Shot 10" Temper, Temper!
xander_dp: Climb on!
unneva: Aurora and the glacier
mikewarren: Summit Ice
Daniele Mineri: Such stuff as dreams are made on
jurvetson: Last Thoughts
Hank888: Avalanche
N_!_C_K: Crisp Autumn Mirror
david907: Athabasca Glacier
cloudwender: Spectre of the Brocken
Gunnlaugur: U.F.O. above the waterfall in Öxará
akameus ( Randy Kosek ): Cloud Gate aka The Bean
.Anton: Hikers enjoying views of the Columbia Icefields from Wilcox Pass, Alberta, Canada
mikewarren: Top-out
grantthai: Rainy season's a comin' #2
*tdl*: Nasira 1 | Reflection of Beauty
Chris Lombardi: catya du lac, upper quartz lake, glacier national park
annkelliott: Bow Lake
wenzday01: Little Hong Kong
lynmar: dbjj_on_computer