frogmuseum2: When Worlds Collide!
frogmuseum2: grendl
frogmuseum2: Schrödinger fled the kitchen, muttering
frogmuseum2: BO_owca
frogmuseum2: "Hurry up! I wanna play typewriter!"
frogmuseum2: Goodnight, dear love. I promise I'll never forget you
frogmuseum2: Marley
frogmuseum2: Marley and the mouse
frogmuseum2: Yup. Another video about Cats. :-)
frogmuseum2: Marley stalking the catnip mouse
frogmuseum2: Hide and seek with Marley
frogmuseum2: Marley says get up! Get outta bed!
frogmuseum2: Do you ever get the feeling, as you are having a coffee and poking around flickr, that you are being watched?
frogmuseum2: Bwca: always remembered
frogmuseum2: I wonder what woke Marley up?
frogmuseum2: Find your Happy Place!
frogmuseum2: "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer
frogmuseum2: the usual suspect
frogmuseum2: Someone to watch over you
frogmuseum2: Marley in a cardboard box
frogmuseum2: Something Purring This Way Comes
frogmuseum2: Hobbes and Yoda
frogmuseum2: She's right behind me, isn't she?
frogmuseum2: Marley on the windowsill
frogmuseum2: Marley appears!
frogmuseum2: Origin of Species