FroggyMonkey: Plying. This fiber reminds me of Freddie, so it's very bittersweet. I hope he's doing ok in his new home.
FroggyMonkey: Freddie was adopted yesterday. I thought it would be for the best, but my heart broke a little. #fosteringfreddie I hope the man who adopted him realizes what an amazing dog he is.
FroggyMonkey: Didn't get to my phone fast enough. Katie & Freddie were both napping on their side with one ear in the air.
FroggyMonkey: Wild & crazy Friday. Crafting in the afternoon! Freddie has another Petsmart day tomorrow. Hope he finds an amazing forever family, but I will miss him so much! #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Started bobbin number two with Freddie & Monkey napping next to me.
FroggyMonkey: Katie hanging out by the fire earlier. Freddie still doesn't like the firepit, he'll go by it during the day but likes going inside when we start one.
FroggyMonkey: Getting extra Freddie snuggles last night & this morning. Today was his first adoption day at pet smart & we weren't sure if we'd see him again. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Excited pup. D picked up Freddie. Shelter said it was a slow day & only one adoption, but he did great meeting lots of people. Today was his first adoption day at pet smart & we weren't sure if we'd see him again. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Getting extra Freddie snuggles last night & this morning. Today was his first adoption day at pet smart & we weren't sure if we'd see him again. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Getting extra Freddie snuggles last night & this morning. Today was his first adoption day at pet smart & we weren't sure if we'd see him again. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Getting extra Freddie snuggles last night & this morning. Today was his first adoption day at pet smart & we weren't sure if we'd see him again. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Getting extra Freddie snuggles last night & this morning. Today was his first adoption day at pet smart & we weren't sure if we'd see him again. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Getting extra Freddie snuggles last night & this morning. Today was his first adoption day at pet smart & we weren't sure if we'd see him again. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Everyone hanging out on a Friday night.
FroggyMonkey: Everyone hanging out on a Friday night.
FroggyMonkey: Everyone hanging out on a Friday night.
FroggyMonkey: He wore himself out following me around the house doing chores. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: I'm being held down. Yay forced break for me :) #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Aww. We're going to miss #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Playtime on a rainy morning. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: He loves playing tug. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Lined up for treats this morning. This might be Freddie's last day with us, which makes me extra sad because it's rainy he can't nap in his favorite spots before he leaves. #fosteringfreddie
FroggyMonkey: Freddie loves belly rubs. He was wiggling and twisting, this was the best photo I could get but I think it's funny. #fosteringfreddie
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