FroggyMonkey: Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 12.34.24 PM
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: NFS. For Rav.
FroggyMonkey: For Rav. NFS
FroggyMonkey: For Rav. NFS
FroggyMonkey: For Rav. NFS
FroggyMonkey: For Rav. NFS
FroggyMonkey: For Rav. NFS
FroggyMonkey: New yarn. NFS. From September. So far behind taking & uploading photos for here.
FroggyMonkey: For Rav. NFS.
FroggyMonkey: For Rav. NFS
FroggyMonkey: New yarn for my first pi shawl.
FroggyMonkey: For Rav
FroggyMonkey: For Rav
FroggyMonkey: Scummy Saturday. Comparing colors & planning a project for the STR "Spawn of Scum" in the center. Can't decide if it's wants to be a pi shawl or a tunic. 🍐🍈
FroggyMonkey: Scummy Saturday. Comparing colors & planning a project for the STR "Spawn of Scum" in the center. Can't decide if it's wants to be a pi shawl or a tunic. 🍐🍈
FroggyMonkey: My "not at mdsw" consolation yarn. From destash. Love the base after using it for breathing space & couldn't beat the price.
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FroggyMonkey: IMG_1261
FroggyMonkey: IMG_1260
FroggyMonkey: Couldn't resist this oop kitty fabric even though I shouldn't be spending right now. Greener irl.
FroggyMonkey: Went over to Slidell by myself to Joanns & the quilt shop. Really needed to get out, even though I wasn't feeling well. Also first fish fry Friday. Got a dinner for Heather too & she came over to visit.
FroggyMonkey: My extra skeins of Plucky Spring Forward arrived Tuesday! Excited & nervous to start d's sweater for real this time.