FroggyMonkey: My #favoritemake2015 I had more than one! Less knitting because of sewing, but some of my favorite "makes" were sewing.
FroggyMonkey: First attempt with the maple leaf block didn't turn out so well. I was very careful with my cutting, but it became quite off somewhere along the line. This is 6", I'll try again with a 12".
FroggyMonkey: First attempt with the maple leaf block didn't turn out so well. I was very careful with my cutting, but it became quite off somewhere along the line. This is 6", I'll try again with a 12".
FroggyMonkey: Finally ready to baste this top using a vintage sheet I've saved for years only to discover it's too small. Grrrr!
FroggyMonkey: Finally ready to baste this top using a vintage sheet I've saved for years only to discover it's too small. Grrrr!
FroggyMonkey: Finally ready to baste this top using a vintage sheet I've saved for years only to discover it's too small. Grrrr!
FroggyMonkey: I was really tempted to buy fabric for this throw quilt the other night.
FroggyMonkey: I made this :)
FroggyMonkey: Binding & polka dot backing.
FroggyMonkey: Polka dot back.
FroggyMonkey: Quilt FO!
FroggyMonkey: Helping me sew on binding again. I think she likes the quilts more than hanging out with me lol.
FroggyMonkey: Time to hand sew the backside of the binding.
FroggyMonkey: Binding machine sewn to the front.
FroggyMonkey: Finished the rows of hand quilting & squared it to prep for binding. Also made the binding.
FroggyMonkey: My first time hand quilting. Started yesterday, half way finished today. Finally was able to quilt across the tablecloth, but the long rows were still puckering. Instead of fighting it, I got creative.
FroggyMonkey: Day 8: "Shopping". All of my shopping is done. We don't do big xmas, just presents for each other. So I'll put this photo of my Juki as a "great buy" instead. So happy I found this on CL! #decemberdaily
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