FroggyMonkey: 15 minutes of spinning.
FroggyMonkey: IMG_2903
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FroggyMonkey: Piper helping me organize fabric for the last rainbow arch. #scrappyrainbowquilt
FroggyMonkey: Piper helping me organize fabric for the last rainbow arch. #scrappyrainbowquilt
FroggyMonkey: Piper helping me organize fabric for the last rainbow arch. #scrappyrainbowquilt
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FroggyMonkey: Monkey is tired. Trying to decide on a background fabric is hard work 😹 This will be a strip quilt for Lili.
FroggyMonkey: Monkey is tired. Trying to decide on a background fabric is hard work 😹 This will be a strip quilt for Lili.
FroggyMonkey: She tried so hard to resist, but couldn’t in the end.
FroggyMonkey: My helpers. Monk was napping on my bag earlier, preventing me from casting on, but no photo since I had to have a chastity aka no fighting pillow between him & Pipe.
FroggyMonkey: My helpers. Monk was napping on my bag earlier, preventing me from casting on, but no photo since I had to have a chastity aka no fighting pillow between him & Pipe.
FroggyMonkey: IMG_1796
FroggyMonkey: IMG_0407
FroggyMonkey: IMG_0406
FroggyMonkey: Slightly better day. Did the Epley manuever twice today and second time there was no spinning! Still feel mildly carsick and nauseous. New cast on, but can only knit a little at a time.
FroggyMonkey: My knitting buddy.