froboy: Elana Kranz and Dana Currier from Study Abroad discuss Dean Boyer's impact on their programs
froboy: College students enjoy sausage, sauerkraut, and other Austrian treats
froboy: The Class of 2013 Senior Class Gift committee askes "Moustache" or "Bicycle"
froboy: Sausage, sauerkraut, mustard.
froboy: A student fashions a bright pink mustache to be more like Dean Boyer.
froboy: A student fashions a bright pink mustache to be more like Dean Boyer.
froboy: Grace Chapin (AB'11) drops off a note to Dean Boyer
froboy: Do you know your Dean Boyer trivia?
froboy: Glenn Carrere helps students make puppet pals like the Emperor Franz Joseph puppet Dean Boyer has.
froboy: Dean Boyer and students return from a bike ride to the Ryerson Mansion
froboy: Dean Boyer proudly displays a false mustache made by Grace Chapin
froboy: Associate Dean Martha Merritt's dog even joined in the fun
froboy: Voices in Your Head performed a few a cappella songs for the crowd.
froboy: Sausages, mustaches, bicycles, oh my. Dean Boyer Appreciation Day is going on now! @uchicagocollege
froboy: Dean Boyer Appreciation Day at @UChicagoCollege. This is happening. Today. 11-1. Main Quad.