froboy: My Streets, My Eats: Let Freedom Roll
froboy: AVA tamale vendors distribute tamales to morning conference attendees
froboy: AVA tamale vendors
froboy: Asociacion de Vendedores Ambulantes
froboy: Food truck operators converse after the morning vendors session.
froboy: Symposium attendees wait for the panels to begin
froboy: Panel table
froboy: Beth Kregor begins the day with introductions and some brief information about the IJ Clinic
froboy: First Panel: Street Food: An Important (and Delicious) Part of Urban Life
froboy: Sean Basinski, Founder & Director, The Street Vendor Project
froboy: Heather Shouse, author, Food Trucks
froboy: John Gaber, professor, University of Arkansas
froboy: Panelists answer questions after the panel
froboy: Beavers Donuts treated symposium-goers to a mid-morning snack
froboy: Powdered sugar Beavers Donuts
froboy: An assortment of Beavers Donuts
froboy: One of the Beavers
froboy: Chocolate Beavers Donuts
froboy: One chocolate Beavers donut
froboy: Erika Pfleger, Assistant Director, IJ Clinic, introduces the second set of panelists for "Chicago, What’s the Hold Up? The Need to Reform the Windy City’s Vending Laws"
froboy: Willie Cochran, Alderman, Ward 20
froboy: Justin Large, Chef de Cuisine, Big Star
froboy: Vicki Lugo, Vice President, Asociación de Vendedores Ambulantes
froboy: Samm Petrichos, Chef, Spice!
froboy: Symposium attendees
froboy: Christina Walsh, Director of Activism and Coalitions, Institute for Justice, introduces the third panel: "What Would Be Better? How Cities Can Create Economic Opportunity by Knocking Down Barriers to Vending"
froboy: Bert Gall, Senior Attorney, Institute for Justice
froboy: Greg Kettles, Deputy Counsel, Office of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
froboy: Gabriel Wiesen, Owner, Beaverʼs Coffee and Donuts Truck
froboy: Baylen Linnekin, Founder & Executive Director, Keep Food Legal