froboy: This is the face of Victory! @StephanieLLewis says thanks @BaconFestCHI!!!
froboy: . @StephanieLLewis is a winner!!!!
froboy: .@masterofthesun from Three Aces has one word for #baconfest: BaconBurbonMilkshake
froboy: #baconfest On vegans:
froboy: Bacon: it's whats for dinner. Indeed. #baconfest
froboy: Bacon cannoli from Rosebud Steakhouse. #Baconfest
froboy: Unimportant things.
froboy: "Meat is murder: yummy yummy murder." #baconfest
froboy: On my way to @BaconFestCHI. Is this too much like wearing the band's t-shirt to the concert?