froboy: Logan Center Preview Period
froboy: Logan Center Tower
froboy: Reva & David Logan Center, For EVERYONE!
froboy: Photographer Jason Smith documents student reactions.
froboy: Students document what the Logan Center means to them.
froboy: The Logan Center is...
froboy: Jazz and refreshments
froboy: Students examine the Logan Center model
froboy: The Mini-Logan Center
froboy: Black Box theater
froboy: Julia Gibbs, Director of the Film Studies Center, discusses their new screening space.
froboy: Jazz musicians play for their fellow students.
froboy: From above.
froboy: The nearly completed large theater space, with nearly 500 seats.
froboy: LED highlights
froboy: The east view from the tower.
froboy: The west view from the tower
froboy: The 8th floor art classroom with open doors.
froboy: The view from the balcony.
froboy: Midway Studios from above.
froboy: A capella entertainment.
froboy: A capella entertainment.
froboy: A capella entertainment.
froboy: A capella entertainment.