froboy: Rickert House (in Max Palevsky) has an ongoing monkey theme
froboy: Assorted South Campus Residence Hall shirts
froboy: Alper House, from Max Palevsky
froboy: Dewey House, from the Shoreland
froboy: Hoover, May, & Wallace House, from Max Palevsky
froboy: Assorted Burton Judson shirts
froboy: Pierce Tower shirts
froboy: "Making your house a home, since 1975"
froboy: "How many Nobel Laureates have you partied with?"
froboy: "Fun - not dead, just overanalyzed."
froboy: "Hell DOES freeze over"
froboy: "where the only thing that goes down on you is your GPA"
froboy: "That's all well and good in practice..."
froboy: "… but how does it work in theory?"
froboy: "Where fun comes to die"
froboy: "If I'd wanted an A I would have gone to Harvard"
froboy: All rolled up