froboy: 5:45 AM
froboy: First ones out
froboy: Polar bear power!
froboy: Check-in time
froboy: The waiting game
froboy: Down on the matt.
froboy: Coffee on the track
froboy: Monkeying around
froboy: Stretching circle.
froboy: COUP Chair Agnes Bugaj
froboy: Kuvia Panorama
froboy: Into the cold once more
froboy: Readying breakfast
froboy: Agnes waits at the Point for students to arrive.
froboy: View of the field house at the point.
froboy: Dugan
froboy: Dean of Students in the College, Susan Art
froboy: Not so cold
froboy: Polar bear at the Point
froboy: Line Up
froboy: RAs Salute
froboy: Cobra
froboy: Associate Dean Jean Treese
froboy: Fourth year Angelina Liang.
froboy: A laugh
froboy: Hiss
froboy: No sun today.
froboy: Heading home
froboy: Embrace the cold
froboy: Kuvia shirt (back)