frnjpn: The Island of Complications
frnjpn: Mosaic: Cool
frnjpn: All the Colors
frnjpn: FlowerBurst
frnjpn: Erosion.
frnjpn: Batik-like.
frnjpn: To the Point
frnjpn: All the Right Curves
frnjpn: Purple Shine
frnjpn: Royal Detail
frnjpn: Something is Bubbling Up
frnjpn: Based on a sculpture by Haegue Yang
frnjpn: Melting Metal: Matte
frnjpn: Melting Metal: Shiny
frnjpn: Rust--in an Alternate Universe
frnjpn: Abstract
frnjpn: Contagious
frnjpn: Golden Bridge
frnjpn: Soft but Sharp
frnjpn: Red and Blue Woods
frnjpn: Riffing on a Painting by Jan Edward Vogels
frnjpn: Imaginary Autumn
frnjpn: Blue Woods
frnjpn: Bliss
frnjpn: Can't Escape the Grid
frnjpn: Ancient Cymbals
frnjpn: Tapestry 3: The Woods at Night
frnjpn: Tapestry 2
frnjpn: Tapestry 1
frnjpn: Joy