frnjpn: A Day at the Getty Villa: Roman Bust
frnjpn: A Day at the Getty Villa: Early Cycladic Harp Player
frnjpn: A Day at the Getty Villa: Mask from Roman Sarcophagus
frnjpn: A Day at the Getty: Winged Feline, Spain 700 BC
frnjpn: My Version of Matisse's Portrait of Laurette
frnjpn: Indian Goddess: at L.A. County Museum of Art
frnjpn: A Day at the Getty Part 2: August 24, 2013
frnjpn: A Day at the Getty: August 24, 2013
frnjpn: Greek Statue at the Getty Villa: the Poet as Orpheus
frnjpn: The Book of Kells: Amazing Yoga Man with a Halo of Red Dots