frleo: OA Village
frleo: Showing off the pack raft
frleo: Transferring gear from the troop trailer to ATV trailers
frleo: Troop 10 is here
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frleo: Seatbelt demonstration
frleo: Fun at the Gaga pit
frleo: Crop duster coming in for a landing
frleo: Gathering for the opening ceremony
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frleo: Blackhawk in the distance
frleo: Blackhawk
frleo: Coming to check out the helicopters
frleo: 40th Helicopter Squadron
frleo: What's for lunch
frleo: Scout exploring a National Guard vehicle
frleo: Checking it out
frleo: Checking out the Air Force Huey
frleo: Water Transfer
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frleo: A little jousting
frleo: Sheriff Meehan
frleo: Two Fine Men