Frizzy B.: A whole "forest" of Sea Palm seaweeds
Frizzy B.: A Clutch of Coralline Collectors
Frizzy B.: Postelsia palmaeformis
Frizzy B.: The sea palm seaweed
Frizzy B.: The sea palm seaweed
Frizzy B.: Holy Bull Kelp, Batman.
Frizzy B.: Coralline crust and Lessoniopsis.
Frizzy B.: The waves rolling in at dawn, Botanical Beach, Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island
Frizzy B.: Taking a break for tube feet
Frizzy B.: Bull kelp seaweed
Frizzy B.: Saccharina sessilis
Frizzy B.: The sea palm seaweed getting rocked by the waves
Frizzy B.: Well hey there, grey whale
Frizzy B.: Whale watching
Frizzy B.: A grey whale diving for its breakfast at Botanical Beach, Port Renfrew
Frizzy B.: Eureka! This bull kelp is either a marine lightbulb, or it has a great idea.