Chadwick Amos: Javier Loves Baguettes
Chadwick Amos: Louis XIII
Chadwick Amos: Bridge Over the Seine
Chadwick Amos: Outside Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Outside Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: Notre Dame
Chadwick Amos: IMGP3578
Chadwick Amos: Leave Us Alone!
Chadwick Amos: Fancy Building with Me and Javier in the Mirror
Chadwick Amos: My First Room at the Youth Hostel
Chadwick Amos: Drinking Wine at the Hostel
Chadwick Amos: IMGP3585
Chadwick Amos: Eiffel in the Distance
Chadwick Amos: IMGP3587
Chadwick Amos: Cool Store
Chadwick Amos: Approaching the Eiffel Tower
Chadwick Amos: Elephant Statue
Chadwick Amos: Under the Eiffel Tower
Chadwick Amos: Under the Eiffel Tower
Chadwick Amos: Under the Eiffel Tower
Chadwick Amos: Eiffel Tower Covered in Strobe Lights
Chadwick Amos: Eiffel Tower Covered in Strobe Lights
Chadwick Amos: Eiffel Tower Covered in Strobe Lights
Chadwick Amos: Inside the Catacombs