friuduric: Willow
friuduric: IMG_7147
friuduric: IMG_7148
friuduric: IMG_7149
friuduric: IMG_7157
friuduric: IMG_7161
friuduric: First meeting
friuduric: IMG_7187
friuduric: IMG_7188
friuduric: Sunday morning
friuduric: IMG_7230
friuduric: IMG_7286
friuduric: 24 January 2014
friuduric: IMG_7288
friuduric: All her favorite things
friuduric: Chewing on a carrot stick she stole from the Consort
friuduric: Halfway done
friuduric: Where you'll find Willow if she's quiet for a while
friuduric: The ultimate in lazy chewing
friuduric: 6 February
friuduric: 8 February
friuduric: 12 February
friuduric: Valentine's Day buddies