friuduric: Crowds on the street
friuduric: Iowans for Obama
friuduric: Iowans for Obama
friuduric: CHANGE
friuduric: Vote for Change
friuduric: Obama at the podium
friuduric: Obama at the podium
friuduric: Obama at the podium
friuduric: Obama at the podium
friuduric: Obama at the podium
friuduric: Listening to Obama
friuduric: Listening to Obama
friuduric: Listening to Obama
friuduric: Wave your signs
friuduric: Obama at the podium
friuduric: Change We Need
friuduric: Crane listener
friuduric: Crane listener (close-up)
friuduric: People for Obama
friuduric: Signs all over the place